the .BAT files included here are working multinode .BAT files. some of them require special command line parameters to be put in the optional data line in RAMENU. refer to the docs for the doors in question for the correct command line params needed. these are only part of what i have, i have another 30 or so that i will be including at a later date. if one that you want/need is not in here, contact me and i'll see if i have it. if so, i can put it in a message to you otherwise, i'll have to try to get the door locally and see what i can come up with. all these .BAT files are run as type 7's with the following syntax... optional data line.... *C /C :batfile.bat =============================================================================== the 2 Super Zmodem .BAT files require SZmodem to be set up in your external protocols area in RAConfig. if you want to install SZmodem using these 2 .BAT files and are having trouble, let me know and i will dump the screens to a message for you. =============================================================================== BANK.BAT RATS 1.01 RA Time Bank by Motorcity Software BI.BAT BIModem - uses RABim for type 7 interface CASINO.BAT Mycroft Casino DRACE.BAT Motorcity Software's Drag Race EC1.BAT Esterian Conquest FFS.BAT Fresh Water Fishing Simulator FREQ.BAT RTS Freq by Stephan Howard of ISS Software GT3.BAT Ghost Town ]I[ OO2.BAT Operation OverKill II OPINION.BAT Mycrofts Opinion Poll Door RAML.BAT Randy Blackmond's RAMail - offline .QWK packet creator SCHAT.BAT SabreChat - Node to Node Live Chat SCRABBLE.BAT Scrabble Door - single node version, uses lockout files SEARCHER.BAT Searcher - search multiple bbs file lists for files SH.BAT Mycroft's Sherlock Holmes SQ.BAT Sword Quest STACK.BAT Stack 'em - Tetris Clone SUB.BAT Sub Attack SVER.BAT S-VER Callback Verifier SZMDL.BAT Super Zmodem download - installed as external protocol SZMUL.BAT Super Zmodem upload TW.BAT TradeWars 2000 TWEDIT.BAT TradeWars 2000 Editor - local and remote WAR.BAT Global War YT.BAT Yankee Trader ZIPSTR.BAT Zipster - online .ZIP viewer/extracter